6.Who is Frank Bryce and what was his job?
7.Who was Lily and James Potter's real Secret Keeper?
8.How many goal posts are there on a Quidditch pitch?
9.What birthday does Harry celebrate in the first book?-
10.What are used as the primary means of personal communication
in the wizarding world?-
11.Where was the boa constrictor going when Harry let him out
at the zoo? -
12.How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?-
13.What creatures feed on positive human emotions?-
14.What number bank vault contains the Sorcerer's Stone at Gringotts?-
15.Who was killed by the Basilisk?-
16. What birthday does Harry celebrate in the second book?-
17.How many fouls are there in Quidditch?-
18.Who enjoys a lively game of head juggle?-Sir Patrick Delaney-
19.How many times was Nearly Headless Nick axed in the neck?-
20.Who betrayed Harry's parents? (submitted by Andy)-
21.How many people are on a quidditch team-
22.Who notices harrys scare first-
23.Who is the hogwarts flying teacher-
24.What birthday does Harry celebrate
in his 4th year-
25.What is the Goblet Of Fire-
26.How many different kinds of balls are used in Quidditch-
27.Who is the COMC teacher before
28.Who is a good humered and popular
with the Hufflepuff students-Fat
29.When does a Quidditch game end-
30.On the train to Hogwarts, who does Scabbers bite-
31.Who was the first to think harry
would be a good seeker-
32.What do ghosts do on there death day-
33.What professor is an Auror-
34.Which DADA teacher was a follower
of Voldemort-
35.What house is Cedric Digory in-
36.What did Rita Skeeter turn into
to obtain information at Hogwarts-
37.What is the name of the leader
of spiders-
38.What was the first thing Mr.Weasly said when he found out his sons flew
the flying car to Harrys house-
39.What class does hermione walk out in anger -
40.Which Professor saw Harry at the
3 Broomsticks-
41.Who was teasing moanin myrtle
about her glasses
before she died-
42.Who attended the Yulle Ball with
43.What phrase does Mad-Eye Moody
keep repeating-
44.Who tried to knock harry off his
broom with a spell-Quirrell
45.Who teaches harry how to play
wizard chess-
46.What did Hagrid name his baby dragon-
47Who droped the candy in front of
48.Which person was the first out
of Voldemorts wand when Harry and Voldemort deuled-
49.How much did Arthur Weasley win
in the daily prophet grand prize galleon draw-
50,What school did the Dursleys say Harry was attending-
51.Which Professor is a ghost-
52.Who was given 10 points for having
the courage to stand up to his friends-
53.Which Professor is Head Of Ravenclaw-
54.What school does Dudley go to-
55.Which Professor was a deuling champ when he was young-
56.Which professori s head of hufflepuff-
57.How many staircases are there
in Hogwarts-
58.What is the name of the 1st centaur
harry meets-
59.Where is the chamber entrance-
60.Which professor can turn into
a cat-
61.Who is the ravenclaw ghost-
62.Which professor despises harry-
63.Who is Hogwarts nurse-
64.Who is the Hogwarts librarian-
65.Who is the schools caretaker-
66.What kind of animal does Sirus
change into-
67.Who is prongs-
68.What is a basilik-