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Bonus Questions

Here are some bonus questions you can answer to get house points. All questions are worth 15 house points. For teachers they are 5 galleons an answer. If you have a good bonus question please let us know and we will give you a reward. When you send your answers please put the number of the question before the answer so we know what answer goes to which question. Send the answers to Headmaster Simi or Headmistress Spiderwick! If you complete all of the bonus questions you will recieve a 100 house points. Head of Houses and Ghosts may also do questions for points towards there house. Please include the question and answer when submitting answers.

1.Who is Weatherby?

2.Why can some people see Thestrals and others can't?

3.What did Hagrid send to Harry on his 14th birthday?

4.Who was the Hufflepuff Quidditch captian (Books 1-3)?

 5.Who was the executioner who would have killed Buckbeak?

6.Who is Frank Bryce and what was his job?
7.Who was Lily and James Potter's real Secret Keeper?

8.How many goal posts are there on a Quidditch pitch?

 9.What birthday does Harry celebrate in the first book?-

10.What are used as the primary means of personal communication in the wizarding world?-

11.Where was the boa constrictor going when Harry let him out at the zoo? -

12.How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?-

13.What creatures feed on positive human emotions?-

14.What number bank vault contains the Sorcerer's Stone at Gringotts?-

15.Who was killed by the Basilisk?-

16. What birthday does Harry celebrate in the second book?-

17.How many fouls are there in Quidditch?-

18.Who enjoys a lively game of head juggle?-Sir Patrick Delaney-

19.How many times was Nearly Headless Nick axed in the neck?-

20.Who betrayed Harry's parents? (submitted by Andy)-

21.How many people are on a quidditch team-

22.Who notices harrys scare first-

23.Who is the hogwarts flying teacher-

24.What birthday does Harry celebrate in his 4th year-

25.What is the Goblet Of Fire-

26.How many different kinds of balls are used in Quidditch-

27.Who is the COMC teacher before Hagrid-

28.Who is a good humered and popular with the Hufflepuff students-Fat

29.When does a Quidditch game end-

30.On the train to Hogwarts, who does Scabbers bite-

31.Who was the first to think harry would be a good seeker-

32.What do ghosts do on there death day-

33.What professor is an Auror-

34.Which DADA teacher was a follower of Voldemort-

35.What house is Cedric Digory in-

36.What did Rita Skeeter turn into to obtain information at Hogwarts-

37.What is the name of the leader of spiders-

38.What was the first thing Mr.Weasly said when he found out his sons flew the flying car to Harrys house-

39.What class does hermione walk out in anger -

40.Which Professor saw Harry at the 3 Broomsticks-

41.Who was teasing moanin myrtle about her glasses
before she died-

42.Who attended the Yulle Ball with Hermione-

43.What phrase does Mad-Eye Moody keep repeating-

44.Who tried to knock harry off his broom with a spell-Quirrell

45.Who teaches harry how to play wizard chess-

46.What did Hagrid name his baby dragon-

47Who droped the candy in front of Dudley-

48.Which person was the first out of Voldemorts wand when Harry and Voldemort deuled-

49.How much did Arthur Weasley win in the daily prophet grand prize galleon draw-

50,What school did the Dursleys say Harry was attending-

51.Which Professor is a ghost-

52.Who was given 10 points for having the courage to stand up to his friends-

53.Which Professor is Head Of Ravenclaw-

54.What school does Dudley go to-

55.Which Professor was a deuling champ when he was young-

56.Which professori s head of hufflepuff-

57.How many staircases are there in Hogwarts-

58.What is the name of the 1st centaur harry meets-

59.Where is the chamber entrance-

60.Which professor can turn into a cat-

61.Who is the ravenclaw ghost-

62.Which professor despises harry-

63.Who is Hogwarts nurse-

64.Who is the Hogwarts librarian-

65.Who is the schools caretaker-

66.What kind of animal does Sirus change into-

67.Who is prongs-

68.What is a basilik-